Monday, January 19, 2009

On to the White House & the World.

the big slide and the future of hope..
Coming as it did the latter half of 2008 in many facets reflected the declining American power around the world - the financial turmoil began its relentless slide to global economic depression, the Bush presidency's failed policies of American hegemony caught up with him, the almost collapse of the big three auto giants and resurrection through the unimaginable bail-out, failure of the reputed and century old financial and capital institutions, the losing influence of America in guiding the world, of failing the expectation to be the beacon of leadership around the world. But rising from the ashes, as the Phoenix, hope emerged amidst a sea of gloom and pall, epitomized in an iconic personality - Barack Obama. Much rides on the shoulders of this young president-to-be. "To those much is given, much is asked" as they say. But perhaps, there is not a better time to give so much to the man who symbolizes the struggle of human spirit and endeavor, to pray and hope that he succeed, for much, too much rests on the success of his leadership.

When the common person felt vulnerable, when the wounds and scars of the oppressive past had not healed, when the most traumatic phase of modern world (9/11) had brought out perhaps the worst in humanity, an obscure public servant rising from little known beginnings started a journey that was unthinkable even a half-a-decade ago. They said,
"Rosa sat, so Martin could walk…
Martin walked, so Obama could run…
Obama is running, so our children can FLY!"

This, the bicentennial year of Abraham Lincoln's birth, 2009 holds out that promise of a new era and a whole new generation unlike, perhaps, any other in the past or perhaps much the like the most exalted times of the past. And on the eve of his presidential inauguration, all we may pray and wish is for Barack Obama, 44th president-elect of the United States of America, that he may succeed when all else have failed. Heaven, pray that the young leader be bestowed with enormous wisdom to guide the lost nation and people to a rejuvenated spirit of liberty, prosperity, freedom and hope.

This momentous occasion truly is a defining moment in the history of the free and most cherished democracy of the world.

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